Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hey Blogger-Land, So today we got our first down poor of snow.
And it's still snowing, now last year Lenette was to small to even do
anything in the snow.. But this year she is =] 
However with her snow suit on she just kept doing face plants so 
she didn't like it very much ..
Here's all of us playing in the snow - so glad that i don't work
till later and got to play in the fresh snow with my wonderful little family.
Anways, there is a video uploading of Ryan(Daddy) swinging Lenette
around in her swing.. it's the cutest thing. 
And those screams - they are happy. don't worry.

Thats all for now lovies <3

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  1. Your baby girl is so cute! :)
    & I wish it would snow over here :"(

  2. Thanks, i love her to bits. And yeah we usually don't have snow till after new years. but we got it early this year - which sucks !
