Hey Blogger-Land, I received a Blog award: The versatile blogger .
So, I don't know if it really counts, because it is from my sister but hey!
go check her out Alica - Liquored on Lacquer
Anyways, I'm so new to Blogspot I don't even know what it really is,
but hey! I'm thankful !
Even it was from my amazzing sissy, I love Her so much <3
This award has the following rules:
.Thank and link back to who gave you the award. :-)
Share seven things about yourself.
Pass it along to seven blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.
Seven Things about myself:
- I have one daughter - Her name is Lenette Danielle she just turned one on October 6th.
- I am engaged as of October 1st of this year to an most of the time Amazing man Ryan.
- I love anything Make-up related, I was actually going to go to school for it before I had Lenette but now my career path is all about making money and not doing what I love.
- I suck at doing hair, I use to be way worse. But I'm a work in progress on that one.
- I have amazing skin, no acne whatsoever. When I was pregnant I got two pimples in total.
- I have one cat, her name is Diesel. She is a hellion. She likes to lick my nose and bite my feet while I am trying to sleep. Also, if something goes missing we blame the cat. Because 9 times out of 10 she was playing with it and lost it in a nook or cranny.
- Last but not least, I stick by my saying Start a trend: Love your body. Even though my body has many imperfections, it's my body and I love it. And I think that everyone should also love there body instead of always trying to be what the media wants us to be. I wish I could make every girl realize she is that way for a reason and as long as she is healthy and smiling she is beautiful.
I am Giving this Award to the Following Seven Bloggers:
- * A Brilliant Brunette *
- MessyCarla: A Fashion Blog in size 16
- MissChievous
- lilmissgiggles
- Golgiestarlings' Art of Beauty Blog
- Glitter is my Crack
Thanks Again, sissy ! I love you !!
Start a Trend: Love your Body <3
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aww you're so cute.